Renew Your Mind

Renew Your Mind


Renew your mind to what truly has value in this life.

So many times, especially in the world we live in today, we get caught up in materialistic THINGS. We seek happiness in the here and now. We expect THINGS to bring us happiness- and they do, but for such a short period of time. This might be true because we seek those THINGS first.

I recently posted on social media about the be-do-have mindset. Our mind affects our thoughts, which in turn affects our actions. If we live with a do-have-be mindset, we believe if we “do” the right things, then we will “have” what we want, and then we will “be” the person who deserves those things. For someone living with anxiety, this is so overwhelming because we are constantly living in fear we will make the wrong decisions about what we “do”. Instead of making it about the things in life, why don’t we change our mindset to “be” the person we were designed to be.

By “being” the person we were designed to be (whatever that is for you), you will “do” things differently in your life, which will allow you to “have” the relationships, connections, and impact you never could have imagined or knew was possible.

What do you truly value in your life? Do you value the person that you are? Do you value your relationships with the significant people in your life? Being your most authentic, genuine self will allow you to do things differently, and therefore have more meaningful, fruitful connections with the people who matter most to you.

Most of us with anxiety are usually afraid to “do” the right thing, in fear that we might make a mistake. If we focus in on what is truly of value in this life, it’s not about making the right or wrong decisions. Instead, we can choose to remind ourselves that no matter what- we have the opportunity to learn from those decisions, and in learning, we grow. If we are true to ourselves and who we are designed to be, those decisions will come much easier.

I encourage you to renew your mind by journaling about what truly has value in your life. Comment below if you are willing to share!

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