Hydration 101

Hydration 101


Just like how nutrition plays a role in how you feel on a day-to-day basis, so does you fluid intake. When you don't replace what you lose, you can get headaches, feel lightheaded, experience muscle cramps and feel all around sluggish. If you have any of these symptoms it might be a good idea to pay attention to your fluid intake.

The best way to monitor whether or not you are hydrating properly is by checking the color of your urine throughout the day. The goal is for it to be the color of lemonade. 

When you sweat you also lose electrolytes, so how do you replace those? Maintaining a well balanced diet with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dairy products, and lean meats is key.

Ensuring you are adequately hydrated takes practice and dedication, just like your diet. Check out some tips below to help with this!


  1. Infused water + iced teas- You don’t have to only drink plain water for it to count towards your fluid intake. We know not everyone’s drink of choice is plain ol’ water. So, if water is boring to you, mix it up and try infusing it! Squeeze in a wedge of citrus for a bright burst of flavor (lemon, lime, oranges, whatever you fancy) or add in some cucumber and mint and you got yourself a little spa in a glass. Try cooling down with some iced tea- just be mindful of bottled teas, as many of them are filled with sugar and artificial preservatives- so brewing your own is always best! Bonus idea: you can even infuse your iced teas too- it’s really good! Check out the iced hibiscus tea we made above which just has hibiscus tea, pomegranate juice and lime juice!

  2. Eat your water- There are plenty of hydrating foods and summer is the best time to get them. Nature knows best so eat with the season! Think watermelon, cantaloupe, honeydew…all the juicy ones!

  3. Smoothies– Smoothies are a great way to add extra water into your day. I love a good smoothie in the summer when it's too hot to cook. You can use dairy or nut milk, water, coconut water, or your freshly brewed iced tea… Also remember, using raw whole foods like greens and fruit not only contain fiber, but they also contain water!

  4. Create new habits surrounding getting hydrated! The best way to consume water is evenly throughout the day, so chugging a huge glass in the morning isn’t going to help you in the afternoon. There are so many tools you can use to trigger drinking up- remember hydration is an everyday thing, so the goal is for it to become habitual for you.  Try setting a timer throughout the day for water breaks, keeping a journal, setting alarms, or putting rubber bands around your glass everytime you drink a full one. There are also plenty of apps out there to help you remember to drink throughout the day. The most important takeaway when trying to improve a habit is to start where you are and build from there. You can’t chug your water needs for the day all in one sitting so it's best to find how it fits into YOUR LIFE and what works best for YOU. It’s a work in progress for us too!

What small step can you take today after reading this to up your hydration?


Chia seeds are a great way to help your body absorb the water from the foods you are eating. Check out this delicious snack below!

Makes 4-8 servings (depending on snack or meal)


2 cups cherries, frozen or de-pitted fresh

1 cup coconut milk, canned

1 cup coconut water

1 ½ tsp almond extract

1 tsp vanilla extract

1 pinch sea salt 

3/4 cup chia seeds


Chopped chocolate 

Extra cherries, fresh and pitted


1. In a high-speed blender, blend all ingredients except chia seeds, until smooth.

2. Transfer to a bowl and add chia seeds, whisk until incorporated. Let sit for 10 minutes then stir again to reduce clumping. Cover and transfer to the fridge, allow to chill for at least 2 hours or overnight. 


  • Layer Chia pudding with a layer of de-pitted sliced fresh cherries and chopped dark chocolate for a delicious treat! 

  • Adjust chia seed amount according to the thickness you like the pudding to turn out. 

Recipe developed and created by Sarah Subrize @ Cook. Bake. Nourish.

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