What most people don't know about vegetarianism and veganism...

What most people don't know about vegetarianism and veganism...


and mental health. 

After years of feeling worn out, exhausted, overwhelmed, and walking around with no energy, I knew something had to give. 

I started to become more and more aware of symptoms in my body: bloating, cramping, pain. I quickly realized the way I felt was directly related to the food I was eating — animal meat specifically. Every time I ate beef, pork, and poultry, I would get sick. So I stopped eating animal meat for 5 years. Vegetarianism became a new way of life for me, for 5 years. 

Did I feel better? Well, kind of. My cramps, pain, and bloating went away... but I continued to feel worn out, exhausted, and overwhelmed. 

When I encountered other vegetarians, they excitedly told me about all the ways they felt better, more energized, more mentally clear and sharp.... 

“Me too!” I would say… but the truth is, I didn’t feel all of those things. 

When I became a Dietitian and dove into the nitty gritty of food and how it affects our bodies and our brains I realized something critical to my vegetarian lifestyle. 

I hadn’t known it up until that moment, but foregoing animal products meant missing out on critical nutrients that help our bodies and our brains — B vitamins and essential fatty acids. 

Since that day I began modifying my diet to include grass-fed, locally grown, organic animal products high in B vitamins. No symptoms and after some time, I felt stronger, lighter. I had less brain fog, more mental & physical energy, and eventually more confidence. 

I sometimes get “made fun of” for spending extra money on and eating grass-fed, locally raised beef and organic eggs and poultry...

but I have realized this simple truth: what I put in my body affects my gut and undoubtedly affects my mind. 

Tell me, have you ever recognized body or brain responses surrounding what you eat?

Miso Salmon

Miso Salmon

Don't Be Fooled

Don't Be Fooled